Thursday, October 15, 2009

My birthday present

The actual birthday was back at the end of August, when I received this card -
on the inside was this -
why, goodness me, that's this weekend! Woohoo!

Such wonderful daughters, are they not? From several conversations with one or another daughter in the last few days, I think they are nearly as excited as I am.
Although we see each other often for birthdays and such, this will be the first time since they were teenagers that we have spent so much time together. It really is an inspired birthday present, especially as we are going to the beach.

Not Phillip Island, though - we discovered that the Motorbike Grand Prix is happening there this weekend, far too noisy for us! So we are going to Point Lonsdale, near Geelong, instead.

We are taking Scrabble, and Georgette Heyer novels, and plan a lovely lazy weekend with the Age crosswords and lots of eating out - and walks on the beach, of course!
I'll report back next week.

1 comment:

  1. Been thinking about you and the girls this weekend ... hope you all had a spectacular time.
    [ and btw I want a cutting - or ten - of Mme Alfred next year please ]
